Full-Ride Scholarships Awarded by ESU, Jones Foundation

Recipients are the university's first class of Jones Premier Nursing + Education Scholars

Emporia, KS (02/23/2024) — Four high schools were filled with festive atmospheres as five students from three Kansas counties learned Thursday (Feb. 22, 2024) that they have full-ride scholarships to Emporia State University to pursue their career goals. Each of the five learned the news during assemblies at their high schools.

The inaugural class of the Jones Premier Nursing + Education Scholarships are:

The Jones Foundation, named after Walter S. and Evan C. Jones, provides qualified, eligible applicants a full ride to pursue a career in education or nursing. Up to six high school seniors - one nursing student and one education student from each of the three counties served by the Jones Foundation (Lyon, Coffey, Osage) - are awarded the Jones Premier Nursing & Education Scholarship.

This prestigious scholarship covers the recipient's full cost of attendance including tuition, fees, room, board, books, etc., after any other scholarships or grants are applied. The students were selected by a panel who read their essays that answered two questions:

  1. Why have you chosen to enter the teaching or nursing profession?
  2. How will the Jones Foundation's investment in your education help improve lives in your community (Coffey, Lyon, or Osage county)?

The Jones Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to "improving the health and education of eligible Kansans in Coffey, Lyon and Osage counties." Executive Director Sharon Tidwell attended all four school assemblies and met the first Jones Premier Scholars.

"These are awesome students. It is just amazing how thankful they are for this scholarship, and we are very, very pleased to award this to them," Tidwell said. "It's incredible the impact that the Jones Foundation and the Jones brothers and the family had on these three counties."

As Jones Premier Scholars, each of the five students receives automatic acceptance to ESU's Honors College. Dr. Mary Shivley, associate dean of the Honors College and interim director of Admissions, announced each recipient at the assemblies.

"All of the essays submitted for these scholarships were inspiring," Shivley said. "As I announced each student, I used their own words to share why they are now Jones Premier Scholars. I am so excited to work with them in the Honors College next year!"

Media Attachments

During an assembly at Emporia High School, students learn that two of their classmates have received full-ride scholarships to Emporia State University to study nursing and education.

Addison Gutierrez, nursing, and Vianet Umana, education, display the presentation checks for their full-ride scholarships to Emporia State provided by the Jones Foundation.

Brooklynne Morrison of Lyndon High School will enter Emporia State University in fall 2024 to major in education thanks to a full-ride scholarship from the Jones Foundation.

Dr. Kari Hess, ESU professor of nursing, left, presents to Kelsey Rice a full-ride scholarship to Emporia State to study nursing. Kelsey, a senior at Marais Des Cygnes High School, will enter ESU in fall 2024 as one of the first class of Jones Premier Nursing + Education Scholars.

Emily Rolf reacts when she finds out she has earned a full-tide scholarship from the Jones Foundation to attend Emporia State University to study nursing.

Emily Rolf, a senior at Southern Coffey County High School, will enter Emporia State University in fall 2024 to study nursing. A member of the first class of Jones Premier Nursing + Education Scholars, Rolf receives a full-tide scholarship, thanks to the Jones Foundation.